
Code information

Github link: nonlocalheatequation

Documentation: nonlocalheatequation documentation


  • Pranav Gadikar (Indian Institute of Technology Madras)

  • Patrick Diehl (Louisiana State University)

  • Prashant K. Jha


This is a Google Summer of Code 2020 project. In this work, we carefully looked the challenges in development of distributed solvers for nonlocal interaction based models such as nonlocal diffusion equation and peridynamics. We propose methods to efficiently handle the increased data dependency (due to large-scale interaction) and balancing the load to minimize cpu idle time. For more details, see arXiv preprint. Lead developer of the project is Pranav Gadikar.

Prashant K. Jha
Prashant K. Jha
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)

My research uses mechanics, applied mathematics, and computational science to understand and represent the complex behavior of materials, e.g., multiphysics effects in materials, material damage, crack propagation, and high-fidelity simulation of granular media involving arbitrarily shaped particles and particle breakage. My interests include the mechanics of smart materials, focusing on functional soft and granular materials.