
Grading #

Type Weight Remarks
Attendance, active participation, pop-quizzes 5%
Homeworks/assignments 30% Total 6 (we will count best 4 out of 6)
Projects 40% Total 2 (20% and 20%)
Final project 25%

Grading slabs

A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F
90 < G ≤ 100 87 < G ≤ 90 84 < G ≤ 87 80 < G ≤ 84 77 < G ≤ 80 74 < G ≤ 77 70 < G ≤ 74 67 < G ≤ 70 64 < G ≤ 67 60 < G ≤ 64 55 < G ≤ 60 G ≤ 55

Note: We will follow university guidelines in enforcing regular attendance. Whether it is an online or in-person class, active participation from students is expected. The penalty could be higher for those students who show significantly less interest in the class activity. In addition, students disrupting the class or learning process of other students will be fined (in terms of total grade) heavily.

Homework Policy #

  1. There will be a total of 6 assignments; however, in the end, we will only consider the best 4 out of 6.
  2. Assignment will be due in a week from the day it is assigned.
  3. Up to 4 days of delay is allowed. However, each passing day you will lose 20% of the marks.
  4. It is possible to allow late submission. You need to explain the reason for the late submission, and only if the instructor has confirmed you can submit the assignment late. The instructor retains the right to decide on this matter.
  5. In case you are going through an emergency, do not worry about the late submission. You can submit the assignment once you are out of the crisis. Of course, late submission, in this case, will only be accepted if the reasons you have provided are valid. The instructor retains the right to decide on this matter.
  6. Assignments must be completed without any collaboration or help. There will be a penalty if we find signs of plagiarism.
  7. Codes developed to complete the assignments should also be independent, and graders will check if plagiarism or code is copied from online sources.

Examinations #

To encourage collaboration and exchange of knowledge, we will assign two projects. Some key points:

  1. Projects will be more challenging compared to the assignments.
  2. We will form a group of 5 students (group will be formed randomly), and each group will complete the project.
  3. The final report that you will submit has to be prepared individually (i.e., you will collaborate with your group members but will prepare reports separately).
  4. Unlike assignments, you will be given 2 weeks to complete each project.

Note: We will follow the rules described in the Homework Policy section above regarding the late submissions.

Attendance #

Regular attendance is expected. Students are responsible for the information covered in class.

Special notes #

The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TDD or the College of Engineering Director of Students with Disabilities at 471-4321.

Evaluation #

Note that the Measurement and Evaluation Center forms for the Cockrell School of Engineering will be used during the last week of class to evaluate the course and the instructor. You may also want to note any other methods of evaluation you plan to employ.