PeriDEM 0.2.0
PeriDEM -- Peridynamics-based high-fidelity model for granular media
Nanonymous_namespace{geomObjects.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{geomObjectsUitl.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{input.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{io.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{material.h} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{materialUtil.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{parallelUtil.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{particleFLoading.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{particleULoading.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{testFeLib.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{testMeshPartitioningLib.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{testNSearchLib.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{testParallelCompLib.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{testUtilLib.cpp} | |
Nanonymous_namespace{tetElem.cpp} | |
Ndiscretize_circle | |
Ndiscretize_circle_dense | |
Ndiscretize_circle_equidist | |
▼Nfe | Collection of methods and data related to finite element and mesh |
CBaseElem | A base class which provides methods to map points to/from reference element and to compute quadrature data |
CLineElem | A class for mapping and quadrature related operations for linear 2-node line element |
CMesh | A class for mesh data |
CQuadData | A struct to store the quadrature data. List of data are |
CQuadElem | A class for mapping and quadrature related operations for bi-linear quadrangle element |
CTetElem | A class for mapping and quadrature related operations for linear tetrahedron element |
CTriElem | A class for mapping and quadrature related operations for linear triangle element |
▼Ngeometry | Collection of methods and data related to geometry |
CFracture | A class for fracture state of bonds |
▼Ninp | Collection of methods and database related to input |
CContactDeck | Structure to read and store particle-particle contact related input data |
CContactPairDeck | Structure to read and store particle-particle contact related input data |
CInput | A class to read input file |
CMatData | Structure for elastic properties and fracture properties |
CMaterialDeck | Structure to read and store material related data |
CMeshDeck | Structure to read and store mesh related input data |
CModelDeck | Structure to read and store model related input data |
COutputDeck | Structure to read input data for performing simulation output |
CParticleDeck | Structure to read and store particle related input data |
CParticleZone | User-input data for particle zone |
CPBCData | User-input data for particle neighbor search |
CPICDeck | User-input data for particle neighbor search |
CPNeighborDeck | User-input data for particle neighbor search |
CRestartDeck | Structure to read and store restart related data input |
CZone | User-input data for zones |
▼Nloading | Collection of methods and database related to loading |
CParticleFLoading | A class to apply force boundary condition |
CParticleLoading | A base class to apply displacement and force boundary condition |
CParticleULoading | A class to apply displacement boundary condition |
▼Nmaterial | |
CBaseInfluenceFn | A base class for computing influence function |
CConstInfluenceFn | A class to implement constant influence function |
CGaussianInfluenceFn | A class to implement Gaussian influence function |
CLinearInfluenceFn | A class to implement linear influence function |
CMaterial | Collection of methods and database related to peridynamic material |
CPdElastic | A class providing methods to compute energy density and force of peridynamic material |
CPdState | A class providing methods to compute energy density and force of peridynamic material |
CPmbMaterial | A class providing methods to compute energy density and force of peridynamic material |
CRnpMaterial | A class providing methods to compute energy density and force of peridynamic material |
▼Nmodel | |
CDEMModel | A class for discrete element particle simulation with peridynamic model |
CModelData | A class to store model data |
▼Nnsearch | Methods for performing efficient search of neighboring points |
CBaseNSearch | A class for nearest neighbor search |
CNFlannSearchKd | A class for nearest neighbor search using nanoflann library |
CPointCloudAdaptor | Allows custom point cloud data structure to interface with nanoflann. See for more details |
CTreeSearchCheckIDExcludeResult | To collect results of nanoflann tree search. In this class, we check the tag of a potential point and add the point to search list if the tag does not match the tag of a point for which neighbors are computed. This is useful when computing neighbor list for contact. In this case, we do not want points from the same particle to be in the contact neighbor lsit. Default result output of nanoflann search uses std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>>. We prefer to get the index and distance in a separate list |
CTreeSearchCheckIDIncludeResult | To collect results of nanoflann tree search. In this class, we check the tag of a potential point and add the point to search list if the tag matches the tag of a point for which neighbors are computed. This is useful when computing neighbor list for peridynamics. In this case, we want points from the same particle to be in the peridynamics neighbor lsit. Default result output of nanoflann search uses std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>>. We prefer to get the index and distance in a separate list |
CTreeSearchResult | To collect results of nanoflann tree search. Default result output of nanoflann search uses std::vector<std::pair<size_t, double>>. We prefer to get the index and distance in a separate list |
▼Nparticle | Collection of methods and data related to particle object |
CBaseParticle | A class to store particle geometry, nodal discretization, and methods |
CParticleTransform | A struct that stores transformation parameters and provides method to transform the particle. Basically, given a reference particle, this provides method to translate, rotate, and scale the reference particle |
CRefParticle | A class to store reference particle related data. Consider a case of multiple hexagon-shaped particle related to each other by affine transformation. In such a case, it is possible to consider a reference hexagon particle and store the mesh and other details of only the reference particle. To get the data relevant to specific hexagon particle, one can apply the appropriate transformation on data for the reference hexagon particle |
Nparticle_wall | |
▼Nperidynamics | Namespace to define peridynamics app for single particle deformation |
CModel | Main model class to simulate peridynamics deformation of single particle |
Nproblem_setup | |
▼Nrw | Collection of methods and database related to reading and writing |
►Nreader | Collection of methods and database related to reading |
►Nwriter | Collection of methods and database related to writing |
▼Ntest | Namespace to group the methods used in testing of the library |
CtestNSearchData | |
▼Ntwoparticle_demo | Namespace to define demo app for two-particle tests |
CModel | Main model class to handle demo two-particle test implementation. Goal is to show that it is easy to specialize the DEMModel class for different scenarios |
▼Nutil | Collection of methods useful in simulation |
►Ngeometry | Provides geometrical methods such as point inside rectangle |
►Nio | Provides geometrical methods such as point inside rectangle |
Nmethods | Provides fast methods to add/subtract list of data, to find maximum/minimum from list of data |
►Nparallel | Implements some key functions and classes regularly used in the code when running with MPI |
CDistributionSample | Templated probability distribution |
CMatrix3 | A structure to represent 3d matrices |
CPoint | A structure to represent 3d vectors |
CSymMatrix3 | A structure to represent 3d matrices |